Welcome to our 50th episode!
Nate, Gene, and Logan announce the winners of the ACL Apologetics Giveaway! Thanks to all of you who participated. They also answer a question from @footofdacross and play another round of Fact or Fib: Christmas Edition!
They also chat about two topics:
Here are some links to articles mentioned on the show:
"Aborted Fetuses Must Now Be Buried, Cremated in Texas"
"Star of Bethlehem May Not Have Been a Star After All, Scientist Says"
"Shane Claiborne on the Death Penalty, Grace, and Restorative Justice"
Don't forget to check out the brand new look at the ACL website (www.clearlens.org) for fresh posts each week. And if you get a chance, subscribe and rate us on iTunes! It's quick and easy and helps us get our show out to John Q Public.
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*Bumper music by www.bensound.com